Thursday, April 26, 2007

Initial Discussion Questions

On Monday, we are interviewing Dr. Geoffrey Gurtner, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery at Stanford University. He is trying to use stem cells to grow replacement livers for people with liver failure. He has partnered with a biotech start-up company to eventually market them.

He also is working on using stem cells to regenerate skin. He and his colleagues have applied for a grant from the Department of Defense to fund applying stem cell dressings to soldiers coming back from Iraq. One of his concepts is to harvest the soldiers' stem cells before they go into battle. If a soldier were to experience major skin trauma, the stem cells could be used to minimize scarring.

We'd like to get people's reactions as we develop this story. Any initial thoughts? Here are a few questions to hopefully get the discussion started:

Gurtner is using fetal stem cells... how do you feel about this?

Would this story affect you personally? Do you know someone with liver failure who could benefit from this research?

How do you feel about human beings growing an organ? Is this crossing some ethical line?

Alcoholics who abuse their liver could benefit from a new one. Should they receive one? Can they handle the responsibility? Can they have as many as they like?

Should Gurtner market this? How much should a liver go for?

Is there anything wrong with soldiers having their stem cells on reserve? If there was a program to donate your stem cells for them to use, would you donate?

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